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Rotational Viscometers

Description: Now, we have the pleasure to present you the most modern and better line of rotational viscometers Premium Plus, this series add essential performance to determine viscosity and other rheological features of homogenous samples.

Allows rapid and accurate viscosity readings essential in QC and R&D Laboratories.

Now, we have the pleasure to present you the most modern and better line of rotational viscometers Premium Plus, this series add essential performance to determine viscosity and other rheological features of homogenous samples.
This equipment assembles an attractive design with the most advanced electronic technology which places us in vanguard on this type of equipment.
The new series present remarkable updates such as touch keyboard which provides the client an easy handle, includes a new software that provides more accurate analysis of samples.
Characteristics such as visualisation of flow curves and additional options as step, multistep or ramp, generate a complete menu that offers important advantages for the final user.
One of the most remarkable updates is the introduction of the continuous reading to the most advanced products and an USB connection that provides the possibility of downloading the data into any computer.
Besides all the accessories included on our viscometers, the company keeps investing on the development of other equipment related with viscosity and is extending our offers to our clients.

Our Target Customers
Oil industry, petrol industry, inks and solvents, paint, food, detergents, cosmetic, pharma and chemical industries
Advanced viscometer ideal for non Newtonian users
Users that need rheological information and need programming features

Standard Delivery
Viscometer head with serial number / Stand, 3 levelling adjustment for stand / Boss head / Standard spindles / Spindle protector / Spindle rack / PT100 probe / Power supply cable / Carrying case / Calibration Certificate / Operating manual
NOTE: All parts (including the viscometer stand) find room in the Carrying case.

Extra Accessories
APM (Small Sample Adapter) / LCP (Low Viscosity Adapters) / Heldal unit (High Viscosity Adapter) / Silicon Standard Oils / Thermostatic Bath / PPR Plugging System (Optional)
NOTE: The material of the accessories including the temperature probe can be changed under customer specifi cation (High Temperature Resistance).



  • Wiescher Str. 11a, 42277 Wuppertal
  • Germany
  • Tel.: +49 202 373 29 58-0
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  • Room 426, Hall A, Office Building M8, No. 1 Jiuxianqiao East Road, Chaoyang District, Beijing
  • Tel.: +86 400-809-2068
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