Privacy Policy

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WIGGENS and the branch offices affiliated with it take the protection of personal data veryseriously. We would like you to know when we store your data and how we use it. As a company under privatelaw, we are subject to the provisions set out under the German Data Protection Act (BDSG). We haveimplemented measures of both a technical and organisational nature to ensure that the data protection provisionsare observed both by us as well as by our external service providers.

Personal data
Personal data is deemed to be such information as can be used to establish your identity. The informationconcerned includes details such as your correct name, e-mail address, postal address, telephone number. Suchinformation as cannot be linked directly to your real identity (such as favourite websites or the number of users ofa site) is not deemed to be of a personal nature. As a general rule, you can use our online offering without havingto disclose your identity. When you register with us for one of our personalised services or order a product, weask you for your name and other personal information. You are free to choose whether or not you enter the dataconcerned. The data you provide is stored on our company's specially protected servers. Access to the givenservers is restricted to just a few specifically authorised persons who are involved with technical, commercial oreditorial server support activities. In connection with your access, our servers store data for statistical purposesvia which no identification is possible (e.g. date, time and pages viewed). No person-specific processing or otherusage occurs. The right of statistical analysis in respect of anonymous data records remains reserved.

Forwarding of personal information to third parties
We use your personal information in connection with product orders, offer enquiries and service provision onlywithin WIGGENS and its affiliated branch offices. We do not forward it to third parties withoutyour specific consent to this effect. Should data be forwarded to service providers by way of order dataprocessing, then the service providers concerned are bound by the provisions of the German Data Protection Act,other relevant regulations and contractually to the data protection guidelines of WIGGENS. Insofar as we are obliged by law or court order to do so, we will forward your data to such offices as areauthorised to receive such data.

Right of revocation
If you have provided us with personal data, you may at any time ask for the given data to be deleted. Data usedfor account statement or other accounting-related purposes are not affected by a cancellation and/or deletion.

Use of cookies
This website uses a web analysis service via which data concerning your activities (pages visited on the wiggenswebsite) is stored in a "cookie" (small files with configuration information), enabling reports on website activitiesfor website operators to be compiled and services connected with Internet usage to be rendered. In some areasof our offering, we use cookies to realise user functions. Use can also be made of our offers without cookies. Youcan prevent the installation of cookies via the appropriate setting of your browser software; we would like to pointout to you however that in such cases you may not be able to make full use of all the functions this website offers.

Under-age children (minors)
Under-age children (minors) should not forward data to us without the consent of their parents or guardian. We donot ask for personal data from under-age children (minors), nor do we store it or forward it to third parties.

Links to other websites
Our online offering includes links to other websites. We have no influence over the operators of such websites inrespect of their compliance with data protection regulations.

Questions and comments
Kindly address any question, suggestions or comments you may have relevant to the subject of data protection bye-mail to the data protection coordinator at wiggens: The rapiddevelopment of the Internet makes it necessary for us to revise our data protection declaration from time to time.We will ensure that you are informed of any amendments in this respect.


  • Wiescher Str. 11a, 42277 Wuppertal
  • Germany
  • Tel.: +49 202 373 29 58-0
  • E-mail:

  • Room 426, Hall A, Office Building M8, No. 1 Jiuxianqiao East Road, Chaoyang District, Beijing
  • Tel.: +86 400-809-2068
  • E-mail:


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